
Spotlight on Senior Dogs: Using BARKSY Mobility CBD to Improve Quality of Life

by May 16, 2024

As our beloved canine companions age, they often face challenges that can impact their quality of life. Arthritis, joint pain, and decreased mobility are common issues in senior dogs, making it essential to find effective solutions to keep them comfortable and active. One promising option is BARKSY Mobility CBD, a specially formulated product designed to support joint health and overall well-being in older dogs. In this blog, we’ll explore how BARKSY Mobility CBD can improve the quality of life for senior dogs.

Understanding the Challenges of Senior Dogs

Aging in dogs brings about several physiological changes. Joint stiffness, inflammation, and pain from arthritis can significantly reduce a dog’s ability to move and enjoy their daily activities. These conditions not only cause discomfort but can also lead to a decline in muscle mass and overall health due to reduced physical activity. Additionally, senior dogs might experience anxiety and stress, further diminishing their quality of life.

The Role of CBD in Senior Dog Health

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural compound derived from the hemp plant. It interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in both humans and animals, which plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions, including pain perception, inflammation, and mood. For senior dogs, CBD can be particularly beneficial in managing age-related conditions.

Benefits of BARKSY Mobility CBD for Senior Dogs

1. Pain Relief and Reduced Inflammation BARKSY Mobility CBD is formulated with high-quality, organic CBD known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can help alleviate pain associated with arthritis and joint conditions, allowing senior dogs to move more comfortably and maintain their activity levels.

2. Enhanced Mobility By reducing pain and inflammation, BARKSY Mobility CBD can improve joint flexibility and overall mobility. This means that senior dogs can continue to enjoy walks, playtime, and other activities that are crucial for their physical and mental well-being.

3. Anxiety Reduction Senior dogs often experience anxiety and stress due to changes in their environment or the discomfort of aging. CBD has calming properties that can help reduce anxiety, making senior dogs feel more relaxed and content.

4. Improved Appetite and Digestion CBD can also support digestive health and stimulate appetite in senior dogs. This is particularly important for older dogs who may experience a decreased interest in food, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients for their health.

Why Choose BARKSY Mobility CBD?

BARKSY Mobility CBD stands out due to its commitment to quality and efficacy. Each product is made with organic, non-GMO hemp and undergoes rigorous third-party testing to ensure purity and potency. The formulation includes additional ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin, which are known to support joint health, making it a comprehensive solution for senior dogs.

How to Use BARKSY Mobility CBD

Administering BARKSY Mobility CBD is simple and convenient. It comes in various forms, including oils and treats, allowing you to choose the best method for your dog. Start with a low dose and gradually increase based on your dog’s response and needs. Always consult with your veterinarian before beginning any new supplement regimen, especially for senior dogs with underlying health conditions.


BARKSY Mobility CBD offers a natural and effective way to enhance the quality of life for senior dogs. By addressing pain, inflammation, anxiety, and digestive issues, it helps older dogs stay active, comfortable, and happy. As a loving pet owner, choosing BARKSY Mobility CBD can make a significant difference in your senior dog’s well-being, ensuring they enjoy their golden years to the fullest. Always remember to consult your vet to tailor the best care plan for your furry friend.

Understanding CBD for Dogs: A Beginner’s Guide to Canine Wellness

by May 16, 2024

CBD, short for cannabidiol, has been making waves in the world of pet health and wellness. As pet owners, we all want what’s best for our furry companions, and understanding how CBD can potentially benefit dogs is crucial. In this introductory blog, we’ll explore the basics of CBD and its potential benefits for our canine friends.

What is CBD?

CBD is a compound found in the cannabis plant. It’s important to note that CBD is non-psychoactive, meaning it doesn’t produce the “high” typically associated with cannabis. Instead, CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in both humans and animals, helping to regulate various bodily functions.

How Does CBD Work in Dogs?

Just like in humans, dogs have an endocannabinoid system that plays a role in maintaining balance and harmony within the body. When CBD is introduced into a dog’s system, it interacts with the ECS receptors, potentially promoting relaxation, pain relief, and overall well-being.

Potential Benefits of CBD for Dogs

1. Pain Relief: One of the most well-known benefits of CBD is its potential to alleviate pain in dogs. Whether it’s due to arthritis, injury, or surgery, CBD may offer relief from discomfort and improve mobility.

2. Stress Reduction: Dogs can experience stress for various reasons, such as loud noises, or changes in routine. CBD has shown promise in helping dogs feel calmer and more relaxed in stressful situations.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Inflammation is a common issue in dogs, especially those with conditions like arthritis or allergies. CBD’s anti-inflammatory properties may help reduce swelling and discomfort associated with inflammation.

4. Support for Epilepsy and Seizures: Some research suggests that CBD may have anticonvulsant properties, making it potentially beneficial for dogs with epilepsy or seizure disorders.

5. Improved Appetite and Digestion: CBD has been shown to stimulate appetite in dogs who may be experiencing decreased food intake due to illness or other issues. It may also aid in digestion and alleviate symptoms of gastrointestinal distress.

Choosing Quality CBD Products for Your Dog

When it comes to choosing CBD products for your dog, quality is key. Look for products specifically formulated for pets and made with high-quality, organic hemp. Additionally, opt for products that have been third-party tested for potency and purity to ensure they’re safe and effective for your furry friend.

Dosage and Administration

Determining the right dosage of CBD for your dog can vary based on factors such as size, weight, and the specific condition being treated. It’s always best to start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed while monitoring your dog’s response. CBD products come in various forms, including oils, treats, and capsules, making it easy to find a method of administration that works for your pet.

In Conclusion

CBD has the potential to offer various benefits for dogs, from pain relief and anxiety reduction to improved overall wellness. However, it’s essential to consult with your veterinarian before starting your dog on any CBD regimen, especially if they have underlying health conditions or are taking other medications. With proper guidance and the right products, CBD can be a valuable addition to your dog’s health and wellness routine.header image cbd dogs

Hemp Fibers vs. Cotton Fibers

by September 13, 2023

In a world where sustainability and eco-friendliness are gaining prominence, every choice we make counts towards a more responsible and greener future. When it comes to textiles, the choice between hemp fibers and cotton fibers is a crucial one. Both options have their merits, but the benefits of using hemp fibers are becoming increasingly evident. Let’s delve into the reasons why hemp is emerging as a superior alternative to traditional cotton fibers.

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Environmental Impact

Hemp has garnered attention as a sustainable alternative due to its minimal environmental impact. Unlike cotton, which requires vast amounts of water, pesticides, and synthetic fertilizers, hemp is a hardy plant that thrives with minimal water and fewer chemicals. In fact, hemp is naturally resistant to pests and diseases, reducing the need for harmful pesticides.

Cotton cultivation, on the other hand, has been linked to water scarcity and pollution in various regions. By choosing hemp fibers, consumers can contribute to the preservation of precious water resources and a cleaner environment.

Resource Efficiency

Hemp outshines cotton in terms of resource efficiency. Hemp plants grow rapidly and densely, requiring less land to yield a comparable amount of fiber. Furthermore, hemp has a short growth cycle, enabling multiple harvests in a single year. This efficiency translates to reduced pressure on agricultural land and more sustainable use of available resources.

Cotton farming, meanwhile, often leads to deforestation and soil degradation. The choice to use hemp fibers supports responsible land use and conservation efforts, promoting long-term environmental health.

Carbon Footprint

Hemp cultivation offers a significant advantage in terms of carbon sequestration. Hemp plants absorb more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere compared to cotton plants, helping mitigate the impacts of climate change. This characteristic makes hemp an effective tool in the fight against global warming.

Additionally, hemp requires minimal processing, which further reduces its carbon footprint. Converting hemp fibers into usable textiles involves fewer energy-intensive processes compared to cotton production, which typically involves multiple stages of processing.

 Durability and Longevity

When it comes to the lifespan of textiles, hemp fibers have the upper hand. Hemp is known for its exceptional durability, surpassing cotton in both strength and longevity. Hemp-based textiles tend to hold their shape and color over time, making them a wise investment for both consumers and the planet. The longer lifespan of hemp products reduces the frequency of replacements, curbing overall consumption.

Cotton fibers, while comfortable, tend to wear out faster and may require more frequent replacements. Choosing hemp-based products can lead to a reduction in textile waste and an overall decrease in the demand for raw materials.


Hemp fibers are remarkably versatile and can be used for a wide range of products, from clothing and accessories to household items and industrial materials. The strong and resilient nature of hemp makes it an ideal choice for applications that require durability. As technology advances, researchers are finding innovative ways to incorporate hemp into various industries, further diversifying its applications.


The choice between hemp fibers and cotton fibers extends beyond personal preference; it’s a choice that can significantly impact the environment and our collective future. While cotton has long been a staple in the textile industry, the benefits of hemp fibers are becoming increasingly apparent. From its minimal environmental impact and resource efficiency to its carbon sequestration potential and durability, hemp stands as a compelling alternative.

The green revolution is underway, and hemp is at the forefront, showing us that a better, greener future is not only possible but within our reach. So, the next time you’re shopping for textiles, consider the myriad benefits of hemp fibers and make a choice that aligns with the values of a more sustainable planet.

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Industrial Hemp vs CBD Hemp

by August 10, 2023

Industrial Hemp vs CBD Hemp: What’s the Difference?

What is Industrial Hemp?

While CBD hemp is grown for its cannabinoid-rich flowers, industrial hemp is grown for its fibrous stalks. Importantly, hemp fibers are some of the strongest fibers found in nature. Because hemp is relatively easy to cultivate, it has been used by humankind for thousands of years.

Products commonly made from industrial hemp include:

  • Rope
  • Textiles
  • Fabrics
  • Paper
  • Building materials

The BARKSY hemp dog leash celebrates the new national hemp industry in the United States. By partnering with industrial hemp farmers, we are bringing the CBD and hemp textile industries together.

While industrial hemp is widely regarded for its diverse applications, it is also gaining major momentum today due to the environmental movement. When compared to more traditional resources like lumber and cotton, hemp is far more renewable and sustainable. Even more, hemp farms help clean the soil through bioremediation, as well as help sequester carbon from the atmosphere.

For additional questions on industrial hemp, please Contact Us.

Benefits of using Sunflower Oil and CBD for Dogs

by August 9, 2023

Nurturing Dog’s Well-being: The Benefits of Sunflower Oil and CBD for Dogs

As cherished members of our families, our furry companions’ well-being is of utmost importance. In the ever-expanding world of holistic pet care, one ingredient has emerged as a star player – sunflower seed oil. When combined with the therapeutic potential of CBD, it becomes a dynamic duo that can transform your dog’s wellness journey. The team at BARKSY wanted to dive into the benefits of using sunflower oil and CBD for dogs and how it can enhance their quality of life.

Nature’s Gold: Sunflower Seed Oil

Sunflower seed oil is a nutritional powerhouse derived from the vibrant blooms of sunflowers. Packed with essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, it has long been recognized for its potential health benefits. When incorporated into CBD products for dogs, sunflower seed oil contributes to a well-rounded and potent formula that supports your furry friend’s vitality. 

sunflower oil and CBD for dogs

CBD: A Holistic Treasure

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is another remarkable gift from nature. Extracted from the hemp plant, CBD has gained traction for its potential to promote relaxation, alleviate anxiety, and provide relief from discomfort in dogs. It’s a natural approach to pet care that resonates with pet owners seeking gentle solutions for their four-legged companions.

A Symphony of Ingredients

When sunflower seed oil and CBD come together, they create a harmonious synergy that amplifies their individual benefits. Sunflower seed oil acts as a carrier, enhancing the absorption of CBD and ensuring its efficient delivery throughout your dog’s body. This dynamic partnership maximizes the potential of both ingredients, creating a holistic concoction that nurtures your pet from the inside out.

Nourishing Skin and Coat Health

Beyond internal well-being, sunflower seed oil in CBD products for dogs offers external benefits as well. Its rich profile of nutrients can contribute to healthy skin and a lustrous coat, reducing dryness and irritation. This is especially beneficial for dogs prone to skin issues or allergies, providing relief and contributing to their overall comfort.

Embracing a Natural Approach

The appeal of using sunflower oil and CBD for dogs lies in the natural origins of both products. As pet owners become increasingly conscious of what they’re offering their furry companions, this combination provides a reassuring alternative to synthetic solutions.

Questions About Sunflower Oil and CBD for Dogs?

If you have additional questions about BARKSY CBD products or our natural ingredients, Contact Us today!

Improving Mobility in Dogs: CBD and Natural Solutions

by June 7, 2023

Improving Mobility in Dogs: CBD and Natural Solutions

As our loyal companions age, they may start to experience joint stiffness, mobility issues, and a decrease in overall activity levels. Watching our beloved dogs struggle with mobility can be heart-wrenching, but the good news is that there are natural solutions available to help improve their mobility and enhance their quality of life. In this blog post, we will explore the use of CBD and other natural remedies to promote better mobility in dogs, ensuring they can continue to lead an active and happy life.

Understanding Mobility Issues in Dogs:

Mobility issues in dogs can stem from various factors, including aging, arthritis, hip dysplasia, injuries, or underlying health conditions. Common signs of mobility issues include difficulty getting up, limping, reluctance to jump or climb stairs, and a noticeable decrease in activity levels.

  1. CBD for Joint Support: CBD, or cannabidiol, has gained recognition for its potential to alleviate pain and inflammation, making it a promising natural solution for improving joint health and mobility in dogs. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which plays a role in regulating pain, inflammation, and immune responses. By reducing inflammation and promoting a sense of calm, CBD may help alleviate discomfort and support better joint function in dogs.
  2. Natural Supplements for Joint Health: In addition to CBD, several natural supplements can support joint health and mobility in dogs:
    • Glucosamine and Chondroitin: These compounds help maintain the integrity of cartilage and support joint lubrication.
    • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish oil, omega-3 fatty acids possess anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce joint inflammation and improve mobility.
    • Turmeric: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric can aid in relieving joint pain and enhancing mobility.
  3. Exercise and Weight Management: Regular exercise tailored to your dog’s needs can strengthen muscles, maintain joint flexibility, and prevent weight gain. Weight management is especially important as excess weight can put additional stress on joints. Consult with your veterinarian to determine the appropriate exercise regimen and diet plan for your dog’s specific condition.
  4. Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation: Physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques, such as hydrotherapy, massage, and stretching exercises, can help improve mobility, strengthen muscles, and reduce pain. These therapies are often recommended for dogs with chronic conditions or recovering from injuries.
  5. Comfortable Sleeping Environment: Providing your dog with a comfortable bed or orthopedic mattress can help relieve pressure on joints and provide support during restful sleep. Consider options that offer cushioning and joint support to promote better mobility.


Improving mobility in dogs is crucial for their overall well-being and happiness. By incorporating natural solutions such as CBD, joint supplements, exercise, and a comfortable sleeping environment, you can help your furry friend regain their mobility and enjoy a more active lifestyle. Remember to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new treatments or supplements, as they can provide personalized advice based on your dog’s specific needs. With your love, care, and the power of natural remedies, you can support your dog in maintaining a happy, active, and mobile life for years to come.

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